we set great store by the new year. resolutions and all that. as if somehow the new year really is a clean slate and not just another day where the problems we had yesterday are still with us tomorrow.
however that is to dwell on the negative.
while it may not be a moment when the slate has been wiped clean the new year can be seen as an opportunity to turn a fresh page, open a new chapter and begin a new adventure.
so with the new year started - think about those creative ideas you have left lying around doing nothing for one reason or another. or that project you think you have finished but have not quite gotten around to doing those last minute revisions.
or you have that idea you haven't touched.
now is the time.
begin the year as you mean to go on.
put pen to paper.
brush to canvas.
tinkle the ivories.
look through the viewfinder.
we all have it in us to be creative in one way or another.
whatever form your creativity manifests itself - poetry or prose, oil or watercolour, dance or stand-up don't let it go to waste. do something with it.
this is an olympic year. take heart from that. think about those athletes who have pursued their dreams in order to compete at the highest level. most of them will fail.
there is nothing wrong with that.
when it comes down to it - if you don't try you will never know.
so as 2012 begins forget about all those barriers you have placed in front of yourself, brush aside all the questions you have about your creativity.
because the truth of the matter is you can do it.
what are you waiting for?
get creating.
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