Wednesday, 8 February 2012

it's not that stupid

if the internet has shown us anything it is that there is nothing like a stupid idea.
it doesn't matter what it is - you may want to do a stop/start animation of marigold gloves enacting hamlet while dancing in the style of pina bausch. it maybe that you want to replace the strings in stockhausen's helikopter-streichquartett (helicopter quartet) with barking dogs. maybe you have a hankering do a fantasy trilogy totally in rhyming couplets.

as you come up with the idea you also wonder what it is going to be like trying to tell/ sell/ pitch the idea to mates and strangers. all you can think of is 'nah! too stupid.'

stop right there sonny jim.
what did i say at the start?
that's right: there is no such thing as a stupid idea.

it may be that you don't think you can pull it off or you may think that it was just a silly idea and doesn't deserve work.
if you believe in it - you can make it happen and you can turn that daft concept into something special.
(please note this is something entirely different from trying to shine a turd.)

all you need to make a creative piece work is the belief that it deserves to be seen.
never worry about what other people think.
you are not being creative for them - you are being creative for you.

remember that idea for painting portraits of hollywood stars on space-hoppers - well it is a go.

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