there you are working on your latest creation.
you feel good about it. this is the one. this is the one that they will love. you just know it.
you have slaved over it. you have poured your heart into it. you have bled for this piece of work.
it oozes quality.
here is a hard truth.
quality is no gurantee of success.
success is no proof of quality.
this is a double-edged thought as it points to the fact that you can be the best there is at what you do but it doesn't mean people are going to like your work.
it also means that even if you know your work is not the best out there you can still be a success.
look around - your audience has a lot of people competing for their attention. remember that they only have so much time to devote to enjoying the creative work of others and your painting is going up against someone elses poem. his book has to compete against her movie. that song against that video.
it isn't that people don't consume culture as much as they used to it is that there is so much more culture to consume.
that may make it sound like a gloomy situation - it isn't.
there are lots of new ways to get your work in front of people.
more importantly my point about quality/success means that you don't have to sweat every little detail, you don't have to dot ever i and cross ever t.
don't wait until it is perfect.
make it as good as it can be and then let it loose on the world.
the audience isn't looking for perfection.
the audience is looking for something they like and will entertain them.
your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to do just that.
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